We believe in these independent ministries 

and offer them various levels of support.

Agape House Worldwide

ACGC missionaries Erwin and Rowena Cabrizos oversee this expanding church planting and discipleship movement. Agape House ministries are very diverse. They are found in several countries, with the potential for further expansion.

Burundi AC Churches

A well-organized network of more than 70 Advent Christian churches in the central African country of Burundi. These churches emphasize evangelism, church planting, and leadership development through their own schools.

The Christian Mission, Thailand

CMN ministers to the village of Naratchakwai and the greater Nakhon Phanom area of Thailand. CMN focuses on community outreach through teaching English and practical need-based ministries. They hold weekly worship and English classes.

Democratic Rep. of the Congo AC Churches

These churches serve the communities of the fast-growing city of Lubumbashi and are expanding their ministry into wider regions within the DRC. These churches are living examples of how the good news of Jesus changes individuals and communities.

Fellowship of Blessed Hope Churches, India

A network of churches in the city of Chennai and in the regions of southern India. The churches and pastors of the “Fellowship” are closely connected to our Mission office.

India AC Churches

Birthed by Advent Christian missionaries generations ago, this group of nearly 100 churches is now independent. They have begun sending their own missionaries to other parts of India.

Japan AC Churches

In a culture where only one percent of the population claims to be a follower of Christ, these churches are outposts of God’s saving love and grace.

Kenya AC Churches

A small network of churches in the Kisii region of southwestern Kenya. These churches are active in publicly sharing the good news of Jesus.

Liberia AC Churches

A group of 12 churches dedicated to spreading the good news of Jesus throughout Liberia. The churches extend their ministries through schools and a medical clinic.

Malawi AC Churches

A cluster of churches primarily among the Sena people of southern Malawi. These churches are in rural, agriculture based villages.

Malaysia Ministry

Malaysia’s laws and culture make the spread of the Christian faith a challenge. In this setting we have a small family-based ministry in Johor State.

Mexico AC Churches

Iglesia Evangelica de la Comunidad consists of 14 churches that minister in Jesus’ name to cities and communities in the Baja region of Mexico.

Mozambique AC Churches

This group of churches among the Sena people of central Mozambique is a sister group to our Malawi churches.

Myanmar AC Churches

A fellowship of four distinct ministries, each of which actively spread the good news of Jesus, plant churches, develop leaders through ministry training and care for a large number of orphan and disadvantaged children.

Mardon Road Church, New Zealand

This church, located in Hamilton on New Zealand’s North Island, shines the light of Christ in its local community.

Nigeria AC Churches

Our oldest established group of churches in Africa. They are well-organized with a training college and specialized youth and women’s ministries.

Oro Bible College, Philippines

For over 50 years this institution has been providing quality biblical and theological education to Advent Christians as well as students from many evangelical traditions.

Philippines AC Churches

Starting in 1954 with the first church planted by Advent Christian missionaries, this ministry has expanded to over 80 churches and outreaches and is now largely independent.

Tanzania AC Churches

A group of churches mostly in the Mwanza region near Lake Victoria. They actively share Jesus in a culture that holds an Animistic worldview which often works against them.

Yesuway Jeevan Mission, India

Formerly known as American Advent Mission, this is our direct mission work in India. YJM focuses on supporting and strengthening a variety of ministries to the unreached people groups of India.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

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