Banner Chapel Holds Revival Services

Rev. Jim Perkins

NORTH CAROLINA – Banner Chapel Advent Christian Church in Benson, North Carolina, held revival services November 6-8, 2023. The guest speaker was Rev. Jim Perkins, a 1982 graduate of Berkshire Christian College and senior pastor of the Almonte Baptist Church, in Almonte, Ottawa, Canada. Jim became pastor of the Almonte Baptist Church in 2019, where attendance was 13 at the time of his becoming pastor. In four years, the congregation has grown to more than 120 worshipers. Additionally, Jim serves as director of the Capital City Condors, a group of ice hockey teams for children, youth and dependent adults with disabilities.

The services were well attended. Rev. Darren Bantz is the senior pastor of Banner Chapel. Music leader and choir director is Sonia Hines.

Rev. Darren Bantz
Sonia Hines

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