Hut Burns, Church Loves

Some Marka Church members presenting gifts to the family.

By Bryce Whiting, Africa/Europe Area Director

MOZAMBIQUE – On August 18, Thabitha, a member of the Marka Church lost her home and contents to a fire. Thabitha’s husband, Edward, was away from the hut during the fire, drinking. He has never attended a church and refuses to honor the God of his wife. When Edward came home, he found the roof and all the contents of the house missing and wondered helplessly how he would ever get started in replacing it all.

Following the church service on Sunday August 22, some congregants visited the burned hut and brought with them gifts of encouragement. Edward was visibly surprised and impressed that these church people of simple means would make such sacrificial gifts to his family in such an hour of need. He thanked everyone for this unexpected support and announced that they could expect to see him at worship the following Sunday.

Please pray for Edward to fulfill his promise to attend church next Sunday and to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.