Snake Attack Thwarted by God’s Power

TANZANIA – AC pastors have teamed together to sing, pray and preach the good news of life in Jesus Christ. The opposition against them is strong. The first attack came from jealous pastors of other groups. They tried to disrupt the meetings but were unsuccessful. Today, Friday June 18, the attack was of a different nature as a witch came to the meeting. Witches hold a natural hatred toward the things of God. When God comes to their territory their business is threatened, they lose customers and they are confronted with a power greater than their own. She concealed a large black snake under her robe with the intention of turning the snake against the evangelists. Suddenly, she fell to the earth, unable to stand. Our pastors have seen this happen again and again. The serpent tried to flee but the brothers killed it. This news is so recent that we have yet to hear of what has happened with the witch. Your prayers will help to bring that lost soul to the Lord.