Advent Christian General Conference is a worldwide network of churches committed to proclaiming the hope that Jesus is coming back soon, maybe even this very day.
Advent Christian General Conference is a denomination of Christian churches in North America, with mission works and partnerships in 18 countries worldwide. Many of these ministries are among unreached people groups.
North American Advent Christian Churches
International Advent Christian Churches
Our Mission
Rooted in the hope of the resurrection, our mission is to unite churches in joyful ministry partnership, equip churches and leaders for Great Commission faithfulness and send workers into global gospel work.
The Advent Christian church is grounded in historic Protestant orthodoxy. Our Statement of Faith represents the core, foundational and non-negotiable doctrines of the Christian faith that Advent Christians affirm.
The Declaration of Principles represents the secondary and tertiary doctrinal distinctives of the Advent Christian denomination. Most Advent Christian churches hold to these distinctives.