Graduate in cap watching sunset


Making Education Accessible

There are Advent Christians across the country investing in tomorrow’s leaders. Here is a list of available scholarships for Biblical studies.

ACGC Scholarships

ACGC Minorities Scholarship Fund

A scholarship for college and seminary students who display serious interest in pursuing a full-time Christian vocation and are from a minority group.

ACGC David Michael Gregory Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is given in loving memory of David Gregory Michael to assist worthy children of AC missionaries with their pursuit of a degree in higher education.

Regional Scholarships

Southern AC Assoc. Scholarship/Loan

Available to AC students in the Southern Region who are preparing for ministry in the AC church. Students must attend a university or seminary approved by SACA.

Eastern Regional Assoc. Scholarship/Loan

One $500 scholarship will be awarded annually if sufficient funds are available. Preference given to students of financial need.

Central AC Mission Society Richard Fell Memorial Scholarship Fund/Loan

Assists individuals in preparing for ministry. CACMS offers scholarship/loans for attendance at an accredited institution of higher learning or to BICS.

Appalachian AC Assoc. Scholarship Fund

A loan to support obtaining a degree or completing credit hours at an accredited institution of higher learning in preparation for ministry.

Conference Scholarships

WWBC Church Planting Fund

This fund is designed to help facilitate the planting of churches in western Washington. Used for training and engaging potential church planters.

Virginia Conference Scholarship

Awarded to those attending Bible college and pursuing a degree in church-related work. Open to members in good standing of an AC church in the Virginia Conference.

Maine State Conference Leadership Development Scholarship

Established for the purpose of helping those men and women who are actively involved in ministry in this conference to improve their ministry skills.

Maine State Conference DuBois Scholarship

This scholarship is given in loving memory of Rev. Wendell DuBois, Tammy DuBois and Virgene Hughes. Assists those seeking a call to vocational ministry.

Eastern NC Conference Scholarship

Assistance to members of the conference who desire a degree in higher education for vocational Christian ministry.

Institutional Scholarships

Berkshire Christian MTI Scholarship

This scholarship is to assist active students financially as they pursue leadership training through the Ministry Training Institute (MTI).

Berkshire Christian College Fund

Scholarship available for a seminary education in partnership with Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Amounts available up to one-half of one’s tuition in graduate courses.

Aurora University Scholarship

For students who are currently members of an Advent Christian church. For those who have been granted admission to a traditional undergraduate program at AU.

Submit your scholarship to have it listed on this page.