Church Planting
Creating a Movement of Multiplying Churches
We believe church planting is an act of obedience to the Great Commission in Matthew 28. The need is urgent because Jesus is coming back and the number of churches in America right now is declining at the same time that our population is increasing.
Now Accepting Applications: Church Planting Residency
Churches and future planters-partner with us to multiply the gospel!
Join us in a movement to plant churches
million unchurched people in the united states
of those 156 Million are open to being invited to attend church.
Planting Progress
Advent Christian General Conference, in partnership with our churches, is now planting. Currently there is an active replant in Clayton, NC. The map below shows current and potential planting sites.
Everett, WA
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
New Hampshire
Waynesboro, VA
Clayton, NC
Charlotte, NC
Join the movement
Where do you fit in your obedience to the Great Commission and Church Planting?
I am an individual interested in church planting.
- Pre-assessment with Coordinator of Church Planting
- Develop a plan consisting of proposed location, philosophy of ministry, strategy and funding needs
- Successfully complete Converge Assessment
- Take Church Planting 101 and develop support team
- Church planting residency or launch
We are a healthy/growing church interested in mulitplication.
- Discussion with Coordinator of Church Planting
- Assess potential of mothering/planting a church.
- Identify church planter and pre-assessment with Coordinator of Church Planting
- Follow pathway for individual interested in church planting.
- Host a church planting resident.
We are an AC Conference/Region interested in church planting.
- Discussion with Coordinator of Church Planting
- Assess potential locations and funding
- Identify church planter, develop plan, Converge Assessment
- Take Church Planting 101 and develop support team
- Launch
We are a struggling/dying church interested in supporting church planting.
- Pursue partnership in Church Planting Network
- Church Health assessment
- Determine viability and next steps
- Explore legacy planting through location or assets.