On February 4-6, approximately 100 Advent Christian pastors, their spouses and lay leaders joined together for the 2025 AC Leaders’ Conference at the Advent Christian Village in Dowling Park, Florida. The theme for the conference was “Rest for Your Soul” based on Matthew 11:28-29. The goal was to examine healthy rhythms and habits that enable church leaders to have an enduring and fruitful ministry. Our desire was that all who attended would find rest, renewal and biblical encouragement and leave with practical solutions for productive ministry.
Keynote Speaker: Andy Addis
Pastor Andy Addis was the keynote speaker for all four sessions. He is the lead teaching and vision pastor for a rural multisite network of churches based out of Hutchinson, Kansas, called CrossPoint Church. He also volunteers as rural strategist for the replant team of the North American Mission Board. He is an author and host of the “Rural Pastor” podcast. His wife, Kathy, was able to attend as well and helped with one of the sessions.
Opening Night
The event began with Tuesday night with a wonderful meal prepared by the food service staff at Advent Christian Village. This was followed by a time of corporate and individual prayer and reflection to ask the Lord’s blessing on the event and to prepare everyone for the next couple of days together. Rev. Brandon Thomas, lead pastor of Calvary Advent Christian Church in Lenoir, N.C., led participants during the worship time.
Session Highlights
Pastor Addis began with a session on “The Story of Forgiveness” teaching from Jonah Chapter 4. He helped everyone to understand the necessity of both giving and receiving forgiveness if we are to find rest and peace in ministry. During the first session Wednesday morning participants were able to be a part of a live recording of the “Rural Pastor” podcast in which Andy and Kathy offered some very practical steps of intentionally putting on the armor of God every day. (You can listen here: theruralpastor.com/.)
Addis then transitioned into teaching from his book “Rhythms: Finding a Biblical Rhythm: Moving from Surviving to Thriving in Ministry.” Each conference participant also received a copy of his book. He helped participants understand the biblical mandate to rest, the benefits of such rest and a very practical strategy to build healthy rhythms of rest into life. The evening session was on the topic of “Ministry Joy,” and the final session on Thursday morning focused on why the church gathers.
The three-day event was highlighted by the excellent teaching, but participants also enjoyed sunny Florida weather, great food and many warm conversations with friends newfound and long-established. The Lord was very gracious in providing for this wonderful time together.