The WHFMS is excited to share with you the news that not only have we reached our goal for Bread of Life, we have exceeded it by more than half! Bread of Life has been one of the national WHFMS projects since 2016. The funds raised go to our poorest mission fields to provide meals for the people while they hear about Jesus. Since we began this project, we have raised $120,107.57 This year alone, WHFMS groups, churches and individuals donated a total of $19,273.50. Our goal of $12,000 was surpassed by $7,273.50.
What does this mean? The mission work in Agape House Mati (Philippines), Agape House San Carlos (Philippines), Agape House Papua New Guinea, Agape House Japan, Salumayag Tribal Ministry (Philippines), Oro Bible College (Philippines), Tribal Ministry (India), AC Ministry (India), India Ministry, Mexican AC Conference, four Myanmar ministries and Living Water Church (Memphis, Tenn.) have been able to feed collectively more than 27,500 people this year alone. Since the project began, more than 171,500 times someone received a nourishing meal while learning about the true Bread of Life.
You may have noticed in the list above some of the names could not be listed specifically. This is because of the danger many people face while teaching and learning about Jesus. What a blessing that we are able to still provide funds to feed these people even though we cannot openly share their names and locations. When you give to Bread of Life you are providing more than food. You are giving hope – hope in Jesus Christ and hope for a future with him.
During 2024, the theme for WHFMS has been “Love Your Neighbor As Yourself, Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” Bread of Life is one important way that we are loving our neighbors.
Thank you to each person, group and church who have contributed. Next year our goal is $14,000. We know we can reach it because of generous people who want to be a part of sharing the wonderful news of God’s love.