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Navigating Differences in Parenting

Willie Batson

Julie and Eric are parents to two young children. Julie emphasizes empathy and positive reinforcement in her parenting style, while Eric believes in a more traditional approach that includes occasional spanking for discipline.

One evening, their daughter refused to clean up her toys before bedtime. Julie suggested using a sticker chart to incentivize good behavior, but Eric felt that a more immediate consequence was required. He suggested a time-out, but Julie was concerned that it might be too harsh for their daughter’s sensitive nature.

Their disagreement took a toll on their relationship. Julie felt Eric’s approach was too authoritarian, while Eric believed Julie’s approach was too permissive. Both were deeply invested in what they believed was best for their children.

Parenthood is a journey filled with joy, challenges and tough decisions. One of the most challenging aspects can be navigating disagreements with your spouse on how to discipline your children and instill values, especially when these differences may stem from differing spiritual beliefs. Several factors influence a person’s parenting style, including their own childhood experiences, parenting resources, personal hopes and fears for their child, cultural influences like gender roles and socioeconomic status and community and ethnic norms. A clash in parenting styles can lead to inconsistencies and confusion for children, potentially increasing conflicts in relationships.

Here are some tips to help you navigate these turbulent waters and raise your children with love and understanding:

1. Communicate Openly and Respectfully — Start by having an open and honest conversation with your spouse. Listen without judgment and express your thoughts and feelings calmly. Understand that you both bring unique beliefs to the table.

2. Focus on Shared Goals ­— Despite differences, you likely share common goals for your children, such as wanting them to grow up as kind, responsible and respectful adults. Keep these shared goals in mind when discussing discipline and spirituality.

3. Seek Compromise — Look for ways to find middle ground. For example, if one parent wants to incorporate religious teachings into discipline, while the other does not, you could agree to teach moral values that align with both of your beliefs.

4. Focus on Positive Reinforcement — Instead of focusing solely on punishment, try to emphasize positive reinforcement for good behavior. This approach can be more effective and is less likely to lead to disagreements.

5. Lead by Example — Remember that your children learn from watching you. Be a positive role model by demonstrating love, respect and understanding in your interactions with your spouse, even when you disagree.

6. Stay Flexible — As your children grow and change, your approach to discipline and spirituality may need to evolve as well. Stay open to reevaluating your beliefs and strategies as parents.

Despite their differences, Julie and Eric recognized the importance of presenting a united front to their children. They decided to compromise by implementing a warning system followed by a time-out if the behavior persists. They also agreed to regularly discuss their parenting strategies and adjust as needed to meet their children’s needs while respecting each other’s beliefs.

Navigating differences in discipline and spirituality can be challenging. Still, with open communication, respect and a focus on shared goals, you can find a way to parent together effectively. Use it as an opportunity to teach your children valuable lessons about acceptance and understanding.

Willie Batson, “Navigating Differences in Parenting,” The Advent Christian Witness, Summer 2024

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