looking east: high angle view of homes and bnbs off the coast of tijuana, mexico on an overcast day

Penny Crusade

Mexico: Restored

Penny Crusade is the largest fundraising mechanism for Advent Christian missions. Last year, North American Advent Christians raised more than $550,000 to sustain ministry works in more than 20 countries.

We invite you to use these promotional materials not only to fundraise, but to help cultivate a mission-minded culture within your church. This year’s promotional focus is on our faithful partners who minister in Mexico.

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How to Participate

Every January, a Penny Crusade packet is mailed to each Advent Christian church to help them organize a fundraising campaign for missions.

In the packet, you will find Promo Posters, Weekly Bulletin Inserts that accompany each video, a Goal Tracker, Promotional Stickers, and a USB with six powerful promotional videos and shareable social graphics. These materials are to be used together during your time of Penny Crusade fundraising.

Share these life-changing stories

These testimonies are on the promo kit’s USB drive, or watch them on YouTube.

Order Material

To make it as easy as possible, you can simply fill out the form below and request however many high-quality color copies you need of each element to make your fundraiser successful. Your materials will arrive promptly after your order is received.

Promo kits are scheduled to ship out late January. We will begin filling orders early February. Thank you!

looking east: high angle view of homes and bnbs off the coast of tijuana, mexico on an overcast day
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Rack Cards

Some people at your church may not know what Penny Crusade is or why it’s important. We recommend that you request some Penny Crusade Rack Cards to communicate the essentials of this fundraising event. These cards can be placed into bulletins, handed out or made available in a gathering area of your church.

Thank You!

Thank you for joining us in raising money for missions. Getting the gospel to every person around the world is of the utmost importance. By supporting and encouraging this program, you are playing a vital role in reaching that goal. Thank you for your participation.

For assistance with any of these materials contact us.