Enduring Resolutions

Moral Issues (1993-53)

Moral Issues (1993-53) Whereas, our way of life as Christians must be Bible-based and not opinion-oriented; and Whereas, our resolve must be to live under …

Moral Issues (1993-53)

Whereas, our way of life as Christians must be Bible-based and not opinion-oriented; and

Whereas, our resolve must be to live under the authority of our government, while at the same time maintaining our obedience to the Word of God; and

Whereas, we are concerned with governmental policies that are continually turning away from principles consistent with Scripture;

Be It Resolved that the Advent Christian General Conference publicly declare itself as supporting the following moral positions:

  1. That God is the author and controller of life and therefore it is wrong for man to terminate life in the womb, or to terminate life because of physical limitations, mental limitations, or age.
  2. That the family is God’s building block for society as instituted in Genesis, Chapter 2, and supported by the balance of Scripture, and that homosexual behavior, fornication, adultery, domestic violence, and incest are wrong and damaging to the moral fiber of the nation created by strong families, and should not be condoned or supported by our government.
  3. That education is the God-given responsibility of the family, not the state, and that the choice of content and quality in education, as well as the choice between public, private, or home schools, rightfully belongs to the parents; and

Be It Further Resolved that as new creatures in Christ we believe that change comes from within (regeneration), not by litigation (reformation), and that as ambassadors for Christ to our society and our government, our first priority must be to proclaim the “message of reconciliation,” and

Be It Further Resolved that as disciples of Christ, and as those who are looking for His soon return to establish His Kingdom, we will continue to support the establishment of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness upon Biblical principles, and will actively encourage our government to pursue legislation that is consistent with Scripture, and

Be It Further Resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent to the President of the United States, the speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of the Senate, and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

(Note: Also to be sent to affiliated institutions per GC 93-60)

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